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Friday, July 11, 2014

Missing Granny Annie

Over the past several months we had noticed that Granny Annie had been steadily losing weight, and on our last visit her frail body seemed more fragile than usual. 

When she heard us driving into her neighborhood, she came out to greet me as usual, smiling up at me, she said, "Thank you, thank you, thank you."   I took her hand as we walked together to Discovery Bible class. 

Along the way, she said what I hadn't allowed myself to think. "I know that I will soon be gone," she said, " and I do not have long in this world."  I didn't want to believe it and my heart sank, but as soon as she spoke it, I knew that it was true. I thought of her faithfulness to come to every Discovery Bible class since we began in March.  

I remembered the day she received her own Bible and how happy she was. Some of the women thought it humorous because Granny Annie couldn't read. I thought of the  humor and wit she brought to the class. 

Then, I thought of her destination and wanted to assure her and myself that she was at peace with God.   "Do you love Jesus?" I said, "Everyone who loves Jesus and puts their trust in Him will meet again one day on the other side. If you go before me, I know I will see you again. I will be there with Jesus, and so will you. We will be there together in heaven with Him." Granny Annie smiled and took comfort in that thought.

I knew several days would pass before we would visit her village and I would see her again, but I have often thought of her. Then, as we were working in a village medical clinic this week, an elder from her village bicycled to find us and to let us know that Granny Annie had died and that she had been buried on Tuesday. 

My heart aches and it saddens me to think that I will never in this world see her again. From time to time tears suddenly flow as I cherish the memories and grieve my loss. I am missing her so, but I know I will see Granny Annie again. On that day, she will no longer have a weak and frail body. She will no longer suffer from emphysema. She will no longer be poor or suffer need. The next time I see her, she will be with Jesus and all will be well.