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Thursday, February 21, 2013

Creative Pricing

S: I've got a different place for you to stay this time. It's 7,000 kwacha a night.

 Me: OK

 We arrive.

 Mgr: The one for 7,000 is way in the back, and I have a nicer one for 8,500 right near the front.

 We look, and I agree on both counts. We sign in.

 Mgr: That will be 10,500.

 Me: You said 8,500.

 Mgr: That's for one person; there are two of you.

 Me: (thinking) There have been two of us standing here the entire time; is my wife invisible?

 Me: You can't change prices after a deal is struck.

 Mgr: It gives the rates right here (as he pulls out a sheet with about thirty different price structures.)

 Me to S:  We'll just go back to the Golden Peacock. They never did this kind of thing to us.

After much negotiation in Chichewa, which neither of us understand, a new price of 9,500 is agreed upon by all. We head down the hallway, and right past the nice room we had first seen to one the size of a broom closet.

 Me: You switched rooms on us. We want the first one for 9,500. That's what we thought we were agreeing to.

 Mgr: No; we were able to reduce the rate by giving you this room instead.

 Me to Phyllis: Lets put our bags back in the car; we're going to the Golden Peacock.

 S: I checked again this morning; they have no available rooms.

 Me: We'll find another place somewhere in Lilongwe, I'm sure. Let's pack up the bags.

 Mgr: I'll ask the owner.

 Mgr: (a couple minutes later) OK, 9,500 for the original room.

 Me: OK


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