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Friday, April 4, 2014

Rural Evangelistic Outreach in Malawi

We are very thankful for the 10 days of ministry with Larry  and  LaVonna Cockerham and their team of 7 from Cleveland, Tennessee's Living Word Church. Over the past 15 months, George and I have been loving people and meeting needs in two rural unreached villages here in southern Malawi. The time had come to give a clear Gospel witness and an invitation to know the Jesus we have been telling them about.  

On the two nights we showed the Jesus Film, 220 men, women, and children raised their hands, prayed a prayer, then rushed forward to turn in their registration cards - a clear indication that they were making a firm commitment to let Jesus change their lives. Afterward, some of them deeply moved came to us and said, "We never knew these things." 

From the video, they learned that Jesus heals, and a huge crowd stepped forward when we offered prayer for healing. We are certain that these communities will never be the same! God is bringing new hope and changing lives. 

On the night of the showing, we invited those who responded to the call to know Jesus to a Discovery Bible Study on Saturday. Of course, we had no idea how many would come. Over 300 people came to study the Bible! Already, they are asking for Bibles, so we plan for each person who attends regularly to have their own Bible, pen, and notebook. 

George and I feel like parents with a nursery full newborn followers of Jesus. We ask for prayers for us as we teach the men, women and children and ask God to raise up leaders. Pray that the people will experience answers to their prayers and for these new believers to grow strong in their faith and obedience to follow Jesus. 

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