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Sunday, December 23, 2012

Pastor Appreciation Day

This  is Pastor Appreciation Day, Malawi style. In this photo the pastor's wife was being presented a live chicken. There were chickens, sugar, rice, flour, and eggs among other gifts. George and I laughed afterward, "Which came first, the chickens or the eggs?" We both witnessed it: it was the chickens. The people came forward with gifts, mostly food, but there were also many gifts of Kwacha (Malawian currency) that were tossed toward a large basket with much exuberant dancing.
I say toward because there was money all over the floor that was periodically collected and placed on a blanket. I have described in other writing Malawian hospitality.
At major community events like this one, or family events, such as weddings and funerals, they are willing to give until it hurts, because it is part of the culture. We learned later that some gave their last Kwacha.

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