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Sunday, December 9, 2012

The Rice Mill

Yesterday morning, prior to heading out for the day, I walked behind the rice mill where a few months ago lay a mountain of rice hulls, which obviously need to be removed for the rice to be edible. But mixed right in were the rice germ, both layers of bran, and the essential oils, all stripped away in the production of non-nutritional, empty, starchy, glistening white rice.

Puzzled, I asked Williex where that mountain had disappeared to, and he answered that it is sold as animal feed. I felt both sad, and sickened as my mind processed the realization that the animals eat better than the people. How many reports and studies on malnutrition would it take for pointy-headed bureaucrats at these extremely high budgeted organizations to see the nutritional powerhouse right under their noses?

 I am more determined than ever to raise the necessary funds to invest in rice hullers, so that the people can go back to the brown rice, as they had before the West got there. Besides the overwhelming nutritional benefits of brown rice, when you hull rice, instead of milling it, you yield another approximately 17% by both weight and volume, without having to grow any additional rice. That's a lot more full bellies, as well as healthier people.
We need about $2,500 to get two hand operated high yield rice hullers from India, including shipping, and set-up. A generous donor has already designated about 40% of that, and we're trusting the Lord, and some kind-hearted people for the balance. The other great benefit is that this project will also provide sorely needed income to a number of women in the churches we minister in.

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