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Sunday, July 14, 2013

A Bridge to the Future

Yesterday over 60 adolescent girls in Kainga and Pahuwa learned about life skills that will help them build a bridge to a good future.  The girls learned that a future they will be proud of will not accidentally happen.  It takes planning and developing themselves.

These skills include finding good role models, abstinence until marriage, setting goals, critical thinking skills, and resistance to peer pressure.

They performed skits that underscore their need to develop these skills.

As a warmup for the lesson I asked the girls to tell about something in their homes that they count as "prized possession."  It is interesting that most of the girls did not name things. They said things like, "I value my father paying my school fees so I can get an education," or "I am happy my mother encourages me."

One girl said, "I have a certificate that shows I have passed to standard 8 in school." Another said, "I am thankful that I have plans for my future."

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