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Sunday, July 28, 2013

AIDS Invaders VS the Immune System

AIDS is  a present reality in Malawi, and 42% of new AIDs infections are young people, 15-24. I learned that primary students, beginning in standard 4, are taught about AIDS. The primary lesson is about the proper use of condoms to protect from AIDS and unwanted pregnancy. This leaves children unaware of the threat and poorly prepared to protect themselves against AIDS and other STDs. 

On Saturday, in Kainga and Pahuwa,  one of the activities we did with the adolescent girls was a discussion about the virus, sorting statements as True or False. This was my opportunity to clear up a lot of misinformation. 

Then I used pictures to show the adolescent girls a simplified version of how the immune system works and how AIDS causes the immune system to break down. 

I told them that antigens -germs, viruses, bacteria - are like an invading army that is constantly trying to get into your body to make you sick. Your immune system is your defense, like an army that sends out soldiers to protect your body from disease. Some of these are T8 Killer Cells whose job it is to destroy them, and the B-Cell Antibody Factory's job is to make "keys" to lock the antigens up, rendering them harmless. 

But when the invader, AIDS,  enters the body, it goes straight to the Captain of your immune system, attacks, and destroys it. As a consequence, the immune system's soldiers are not called to respond to the presence of the invaders. The Killer Cells do not respond, and the Antibody Factory stops making keys. The AIDS virus then becomes the Captain of what used to be the body's immune system.  

As a result, when other antigens, bacteria, viruses, fungi, etc. enter the body, these invaders are welcomed. The body, with no defense from the invading army pouring into the body, becomes weak.

The sad part is that once the AIDS  virus has invaded a person's body, they have no way of kicking it out, and over time, their body becomes weaker and sicker, eventually causing death. 

They learned that they can make choices now that will defend them from ever getting AIDS. The clearest way to prevent AIDS through sexual contact?  Abstain until marriage, choose a mate that has made the same choice and has been tested HIV/AIDS negative, then both partners staying faithful in marriage. 

Although AIDS is primarily spread through sexual contact, it can also be passed from mother to child and through sharing of needles and piercing instruments and in a few medical settings, including blood transfusions.. 

Then I told them the good news: that this is not their destiny. God has designed for them a better life.  Jeremiah 29:11, "For I know the plans that I have for you, says The Lord, plans to do you good and not harm you,plans to give you a future full of hope."  I encouraged them to  keep themselves focused on the goals they have for their lives and to trust God with their future.

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