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Sunday, July 21, 2013

Finding that Pearl of Great Price

This has been an exciting week. Let me share with you a few highlights:

George taught the children The Pearl of Great Price. His teachings have been explaining the life and ministry of Jesus. As he was praying together at the end of class, He said, "We place our trust in God." A child in the class responded in Chichewa, "...and His Son The Lord Jesus Christ." They have been listening and learning! Very exciting to see how God is working in the children's lives.

 In my Dignity classes at Pahuwa we have been using skits to teach the importance of staying focused on a good future. The theme scripture for the series is Jeremiah 29:11, "I know the plans I have for you, says The Lord, plans to give you a future and a hope." I told them that is what God wants for them as they put their trust in Him.

Near the end of class two young girls shared their experiences they had during the week. One girl said she was riding her bicycle home from the maize mill when an older man approached her and said, "Get off your bike." She stopped, and he made some comments about her developing body, indicating he wanted to have a relationship with her. She told him she was not interested in him and would not have a relationship with him.

 The man said, "You are not being respectful. You should honor me because I am your elder." She responded, "No. You are dishonoring me. I will not have a relationship with you." Then she rode off on her bicycle.

 Another young girl, about 12 years old, told of her experience. She said she was walking down a trail in her village when two young men approached her, again commenting on her developing body. They were pressuring her for sex, but she told them that she would not do that. Then they began to mock her saying, "When you are grown, you will not be a good wife. You will have 3 husbands and you will not please any of them." She responded, "No, I will have 10! I don't care. I will not have relationship with you." Then she ran away.

 The 12 year old girl told me, "You know, when this was happening to me, I was thinking about our classes and the skits we had done, and I knew what to do." The message is sinking in, and God will use it to change these girls' lives. I can't tell you how very proud I am of these girls. I am thankful that God is raising up good role models among them.

We are excited that in 12 days, our first intern comes, a bright and knowledgable young lady named Carley.  We pray that in her two months with us, God will use her to strengthen our ministry and bless the people we serve. We want our vision, purpose, and work to help her grow spiritually as well.

We are getting ready for our next Farming God's Way workshops this week. We will be teaching field preparation and building compost piles. These classes are helping to strengthen George's work with the men. May God use it all.

 My assistant, Hellen, a former primary teacher, is now working full time with us. What a blessing she is! She took a cut in pay to come work with us full time. She prayed and fasted for several days while making this decision. May God bless and increase her for her commitment to God's call to this ministry.

The women's Bible study here on the the mountain is going very well. The women are now asking for Bibles of their own so they can read at home. God put it in the heart of a friend in Florida to send funds for us to buy 110 new Chichewa Bibles! Next Sunday, we will begin distribution.

This past Sunday, I used the EvangeCube to teach the women God's plan of salvation. When I told them that Jesus is reaching out to us and we have to make a choice, heaven and hell. I said "Jesus is giving you a choice. To choose Him means heaven and eternal life. To reject all He has done for you means eternal punishment in hell. He is reaching to you. What would you say to Him?" They responded, "I choose heaven!" I gave them a moment to bow their heads and think about their decision.

Then, I led them in a prayer to trust Jesus with all their lives and their future. Their simple faith and trust in Jesus for salvation is so beautiful.

 Little by little we are getting this big old house ready for teams. We spend a lot of time out in the field, but the house is coming together nicely. This week we set up five bedrooms! Pray that we will find a reliable person to help us with cooking and cleaning from time to time now, but especially when we are accommodating large missions teams.
We are so thankful for our friends' prayers and encouragement. It means a lot to us. God is anwering our prayers in powerful ways.

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